Holiday/Winter Fine Motor Craft Ideas for All Skill Levels

Holiday/Winter Fine Motor Craft Ideas for All Skill Levels

While kids are off school for the holidays, it’s important to continue working on their fine motor skills. Having a strong foundation of fine motor coordination and strength is vital for kids to be able to succeed with tasks throughout their day such as dressing (buttoning, zipping, etc.), eating (using utensils), school work (writing), and…

Increasing Language Facilitation with Tupperware

Increasing Language Facilitation with Tupperware

Time For Tupperware Long gone are the days of using containers purely as food or toy storage. You can click them, snap them, and pop them into place. Now…you can use them for language development! Storage containers are a fantastic language facilitation tool. Studies have shown that children enjoy looking at and playing with things that adults use frequently. Below, find some ways that…

Putting the PT in Potty Training

Putting the PT in Potty Training

Putting the PT (Physical Therapist) in PT (Potty Training)  There are many physiological things that need to happen before a child is ready for potty training, such as awareness and the ability to hold/void voluntarily. They will also need higher level fine motor and sensory skills. Here are some of the factors involving the gross motor skills such as strength, balance, and coordination needed to ensure…

8 Fantastic Holiday Gifts for Fine Motor Coordination

8 Fantastic Holiday Gifts for Fine Motor Coordination

Finished Shopping this Holiday Season? Are you looking for ideas for toys or holiday gifts for your child? Here are few ideas that help to promote fine motor skills in children ages one year and up!  Although not endorsed by CPTWC, some of these toys below are also utilized at the center and can help to facilitate hand strengthening, grasp and pinch precision.  Happy holiday shopping! …