Using Parallel Talk to Increase Your Child’s Language
An important technique to help enhance your child’s language skills is known as “Parallel Talk.” Many parents and caregivers naturally use this type of technique during their daily routines and activities with their child without even knowing it!

What is Parallel Talk and what does it do?
Parallel talk is a technique used to narrate the things that your child is doing, seeing, touching, playing with, smelling, etc. This is done to ENRICH your child’s world with language that applies to what THEY ARE DOING. This strategy does not expect a response from the child, but again, to model language based on the things they are participating in. It is a method to give language to narrate and provide detail that is child friendly.
Some examples of using parallel talk may be:
Child: “Car!”(Playing with their matchbox car)
Parent: “Yes, blue car! Make the car go fast! Good pushing it!”
Another scenario where a child is helping to bake cookies may involve:
Parent: “Good mixing the dough! Cookies smell good!”
Child: “Dog!” (While pointing to the dog across the street)
Parent: “Yes, a BIG dog running!”
Things to remember when using parallel talk:
- – Pick things that the child is interested and motivated in: We want them to be engaged so we know they are paying attention to the activity and the language that goes along with it.
- – Don’t OVER do it: We want this to be as natural as possible. You don’t want to sound like a parrot that won’t stop. Pick certain things throughout the child’s daily routine and consciously think about how you can use parallel talk (While they are eating, playing with a ball, playing outside, etc.)
- – Simplify: Use child friendly language and simplify to shorter utterances. If a child is pointing to the car on the street, try to avoid longer utterances such as “The large blue car is driving fast down the road and is turning the corner!” but more like “Yes, you see blue car on the road!”.
- – Your child does not have to repeat you: We are not expecting the child to imitate any of the things that you are saying. We are just simply enriching their world with a variety of narration and words!
Final Thoughts
If you are a parent or caregiver that feels they are already using parallel talk with their child, then kudos to you! Again, we want this to be as natural as possible for both you and your child.
Have been working on strategies to enhance your child’s language but feel you could use more pointers or help from a professional? If yes, please reach out to our pediatric speech pathologists at Chicago Pediatric Therapy & Wellness Center. Our pediatric language specialists can help! Give 773-687-9241 a call today!