Red Flags for Tethered Oral Tissue

AKA: Tongue Ties, Lip Ties and Cheek Ties

Firstly, tongue, lip and buccal (cheek) ties or tethered oral tissue can have a significant harmful impact on orofacial development. It can also cause issues witb sleeping, breathing and eating. Keep an eye out for these red flags. Do not hesitate to reach out for a myofunctional therapy consultation or evaluation for more information.
- – Painful nurse or shallow latch
- – Poor weight gain
- – Poor milk supply
- – Reflux
- – Clicking or smacking noise when eating
- – Gassy
- – Mouth breathing during the day and/or at night
- – Forward head position
- – Frequent open mouth position

- – Picky eater (resists trying new food)
- – Slow eater
- – Choking/gagging
- – Messy eater
- – Difficulty transitioning to solids
- – Sensitivity to different food textures
- – Difficulty producing R, S, Z, P, W, M or B sounds
- – Excessive drooling
- – Difficult to understand
Moreover, if you have you had any of these concerns for your baby, toddler or young child, consider consulting with our myofunctional therapist about Tethered Oral Tissue. For a full assessment to determine if myofunctional therapy is right for your child. Our therapists can be reached at 773-687-9241!

In addition, do you have an older, school age child? Check out our Therapeutic Children’s Academy and see how we can help your entire family reach their maximum potential