What are Weighted Feeds?

A weighted feed is a procedure that measures a baby’s weight before breastfeeding and after breastfeeding to see how much milk has been transferred/consumed during that feeding alone. At CPTWC, our Lactation counselors have the equipment to weigh baby and assess feeding consumption.
To perform a weighted feed, you can:
  1. Place the scale on a flat, stable, and firm surface
  2. Undress the baby to a diaper
  3. Turn on the scale and let it “tare” to zero
  4. Place the baby on the scale and record their weight
  5. Feed the baby
  6. Weigh the baby again after feeding


The Goal of Weighted Feeding


The scale or lactation consultant will calculate the difference in weight to determine how much milk the baby consumed. The goal of the weighted feeding is to determine how much breastmilk your baby takes during one breastfeeding session. The baby will be weighed in a clean, dry diaper to ensure accuracy in the event that they void or stool during the feeding.
Your Chicago Pediatric Therapy Lactation Consultant can help interpret and understand the results of the feed. They can then provide recommendations accordingly to help you meet your feeding goals. This will ensure that you have a happy, healthy and growing baby.

Schedule Your Assessment

Call 773-687-9241 today to schedule your assessment with one of our Certified Lactation Counselors to look deeper at any of your baby’s feeding concerns!